Tuesday 8 January 2013

Its been a while..

Well, well , well... just look who is back. Yeah, I am here again. Which is pretty weird. I have not written a blog for ages, man. Do I have a lot to say? I don't know. I guess so. Its been a long summer and autumn.. Happened a lot of stuff. I don't even now where to start. Well, lets begin from where I have left. So in May I have started to work in a bar. I am still in there and I quite enjoy it. During past few months I passed cocktail , price, multi-serve and free-pour tests. So now I am free from any kind of tests. Which is cool cause I have to do a lot of stuff for Uni. Yeah I am in second year now. Its pretty damn hard. During Christmas time I was working a lot, so I was not able to study at all. But now, when its quiet I have more free time. Well, more free time to study... I cannot go out as much as I did during summer. Summer time was amazing. Went out a lot, met awesome people and ,u know, just had wicked time. What else ... uhmm, yeah, I moved to other place. Like 3 months ago, I think. I tried to decorate it a bit, but I still need to do a lot. I am quite proud of myself cause today I have done a lot. I cleaned my room and decorated a bit. Probably I will put some pics here of my room later on.
So, I think that's pretty much it. Oh, wait , nooo. I forgot to mention that I have dyed my hair.. Well, the ends.. Which colour? BLUE!!! yup. Cosmic blue, to be precise. its pretty dark blue, but in couple of washes  it will be much lighter. ( I HOPE) .
That's it for now, guys.
It doesn't mean that I love myself, its just that I found some old pics  and  thought it will look nice. 

Everyone has this kind of wall. I call it wall of memories. But of course I will stick more pics later

My bonsai tree, couple of bottles and yes, Fifty Shades of Grey..

Some Banksy canvas

and here it is, blue hair . 

Have a great evening x