Tuesday 17 January 2012

Paris, je'taime

It was the love from the first sight... I been in Paris once, but it was enough to fall inlove with this place...

I am so happy here!!

Architecture is just amazing!

 If you are planing to go to there dont forget to take extra memory card to your camera haha. Because there is loads of absolutely gorgeous places you will take pictures. 
I am planing to go to Paris for holiday. Don't know when its just in my future plans.. But I did some research  about most popular attractions in Paris. Here are some of them :

The first one is the Eiffel Tower! Magnifique! 

Louvre Museum 
Louvre Museum and Louvre Pyramide

                                                            Arc de Triomphe 

                                                   Notre Dame 

Sacré-Coeur Basilica

Versailles Palace

 I find this places amazing. And recently I saw a film '' Midnight in Paris''. It was such a beautiful film. I really suggest to watch it if you like romantic type of films. Anyway, its full of  nice scenes where you can see France.  At the beginning there is a short opening scene. ( Check it here!!! ) In this video you can see all these beautiful places and more.... 


Monday 9 January 2012


I usually don't cook or make food. I am quite lazy in that. But today was different. I made rice and crab sticks salads. It is not hard to make it, but the taste is just great. 


1 cup of rice
About 10 crab sticks
Half of cucumber 
1 small can of corns 
Peppers and salt
(If you like eggs, you may include them as well)

How to make it,  step-by-step: 

First, boil the rice. In a meantime, cut crab stick and cucumber into small pieces. 
When the rice are ready wait a bit while they will cool down. Then, mix the rice, crab sticks  and corn. Add pepper and salt. Finally, mix everything with mayonnaise. You may add dill if you think its needed. And that's it. ENJOY!

Here is a pic of my salads. (Sorry for bad quality)


Sunday 8 January 2012

Would I fit into my grandmothers dress?

Last night I started to think about the history of fashion. I am 
not a big fashion follower but sometimes I am curious about the latest fashion trends. I will take a look  into fashion history. And I think that good way doing this is looking throughout  magazines. So I found the first fashion magazine ever- Mercure Galant. It was found by the writer Jean Donneau de Vise in 1672 at France. The magazine featured daily news, humour, songs and fashion reviews. 
The first magazine cover. 
 Women dresses are quiet nice, elegant and simple. 

After 16 years, at 1693, the first specialised magazine for woman appeared in London. It was called ''Ladies  mercury''. 

So at the early 18th century Europe started publishing more magazines. ''Journal des Luxus un des Moden'' 1786-1827 published by Germans. It is one of the magazines which provided a lot fashion news,latest clothing trends and etc. 
A massive hat and pink dress with polska dots. 
Hats were very fashionable at that time. 

Further on, British magazines "The Lady's Magazine" and "Gallery of Fashion" appeared in 1770. These mags were popular because they wrote not only about fashion but also included short stories, poems and all sort of advices. 
I think that  will be enough about very past fashion, cause my main goal is to speak about 20th century fashion.
This blog's title is 'Would I fit into my grandmothers dress?', so I am considered about the time of world war 2 till 1970s. 
Even though the world experienced the second world war, the fashion was still important. 
At this time ladies skirts were straight and blouses simple. 
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Well, swimsuits are a bit weird for me.But body shapes looks really nice. 

This handbag and shoes look gorgeous!
What about 1950s?
 1950s fashions emphasized  femininity. 
Small hats with a veil or feather and long-pencil skirts.

I think now we have same type of shoes as  in 1950s.

Cute polka dot swimwear.

1950s clothing looks really trendy. Lets take a look at 1960s.

High waisted short shorts.

Small leather handbags.

3/4 length sleeves coat and a lovely sleeveless pencil dress with polka dots.
And here some examples of 1970s.

Floral and bright colour dresses. 

Those kind of coats look very similar from what we do wear now.

So my question was 'would I fit into my grandmothers dress'? I think I would. Throughout all looks I put up here,  many of them look really nice and I think I could wear them now.  

Here is some 60s and 70s inspired fashion trends. 


Saturday 7 January 2012

Ordinary day

I wish I could have more days like today. Even though I slept 5 hours and I looked terrible I still enjoyed my day. Why? First of all, the weather was fantastic. It is one of the things that makes me feel happier. Quite sunny, not windy day- what else I can ask for? :) Secondly, my friend was able to meet me. Thirdly, I had good coffee. Simple as that. So the main thing I will talk about will be- ' how simple day can bring you special moments?'.
I believe that everybody should be happy with what they have and if they lack of something you should try to reach it. Who agrees? I think, I have almost everything in my life. Well, I am satisfied with what I have. Or more accurate- I should be happy with what I have. To begin, I have the cutest room ever!!!! I have never had better room in my life. And the fact that I pay for this room makes me feel even better. I feel like I earned to live in this place.  There is another good thing here. My landlady has a cat. YEEE! I love cats! I have two cats back home and I miss them sooo much. So the fact I live with a beautiful cat makes me feel awesome! Soft and cuddly pet walking around the house is adorable. So I think I am lucky that I live in such a place cause my landlady is nice as well. Good to feel like home:) Further, my family is happy. They know I am good   and it helps them to sleep better. They are happy that I am happy, I do have a job and I study. So I think its time to speak about my education. Well, I am doing Psychology degree. And I love it :) It is hard to study but at the same time it is so interesting. That's why finding answers is not such a hard job for me.More about my degree I will speak in later blogs. Cause it is not the main point of this post now.So, I have spoken about my room, cat, landlady, family and studies. What's missing? Hm, maybe the people around me. Well, I am glad I have met a lot of people here, and with some of them I have really good relationships. My work colleges are nice and fun, always friendly and helpful. My managers are great and I am not telling that because they might read this. Its just true, cause they treat everybody equal. You can speak with them in a way you speak with friends, of course with a respect:). Further, my uni friends are nice. I have few girls which I spend most of the time. Its good to discuss and share ideas with different people. Often you may get really good advices and help as well :).  And finally there are friends which came here with me. For the same reason and mostly for the same goals. We went through more or less whit the same problems and tried to support each other. I think the word Friend stands for all this kind of position. So, to conclude, I believe people around me are quite nice and friendly, glad to have them around me, well at least for now. What else? I think that I should tell something about my appearance. I am not completely satisfied about my look. But which woman is 100% happy? I guess, you can find only few examples. So I am cool about my look, but there are things that I would like to change. Those changes are in my plans:) No plastic surgery's or smth, just plans to do sports and start to eat healthier food. But its in my future plans. Maybe in near future. 
I think I said enough about my life. So to conclude, I woke up this morning very tired. But I start to think all those things and I realised that I am quite happy person. Then I got up and I had a nice coffee. Which helped me to wake up and start getting ready.  
Ordinary  day- happy moments.  Hope to have more like that. 