Monday 30 April 2012


Today I'v been shopping for my b-day party. Of course I spent money not just only essentials, but also some stuff I do not really need haha. 
But I found really nice thing. At LUSH there is this amazing lip scrub. You just need to scrub your lips and then lick it off. Its so yumi and it makes your lips look nice..


Thursday 26 April 2012

Bye bye Freshers Year!!!

YEAH!!!! Finished 1st year! 

This year I had: 5 Essays, 4 Tests, Poster Presentation, 2 Lab reports, 4 Summarize & Reflect assessments, 2 group presentations,Quizzes,  Careers Portfolio and 3hours participation in experiments.. that is probably it.. I think I did not forget anything.. Cannot believe I am free now.. No more pressure for deadlines... 

Hope everyone is doing well with their last assignments or whatsoever.


Monday 23 April 2012

Hey peps!!

Hello, hello. I know that I came back on 18th of April but I did not have enough time to blog. Just today (minutes ago) I finished one of my assessments for uni so I thought I will spend some time on my blog. 

So I recently came back to London but I feel that I haven't been anywhere.. Nevertheless, I had memorable and awesome time back home. I met my family, friends and my cats!!! <3 It was an amazing time.. 

Also this holiday means for me a lot also because I had an laser vision correction. So now I do not need either glasses or contacts. So feel free to ask me if you are planning to do vision correction as well. Cause I think you should think a lot before doing this  and maybe I could help you with something :)

Ok, and now its time for pics!!! 

The best morning..

My favourite pancakes are with cheese and mushrooms... yummy

I was shocked when I woke up and saw this on Easter morning. 

Home food is the best...

my lovee

With one of my friends having good time

Because I was after eye correction I was not able to wear a mascara thats why I am hiding my eyes haha



went out. Had a lambrini haha

mmmmm :) 


One morning

I need this AB ROCKET here! haha

They are the best! Everyone should try them. They are called Old  Town Cheese Fingers.. 

Easter chickens in the mall haha. Weirdos.