Monday 23 April 2012

Hey peps!!

Hello, hello. I know that I came back on 18th of April but I did not have enough time to blog. Just today (minutes ago) I finished one of my assessments for uni so I thought I will spend some time on my blog. 

So I recently came back to London but I feel that I haven't been anywhere.. Nevertheless, I had memorable and awesome time back home. I met my family, friends and my cats!!! <3 It was an amazing time.. 

Also this holiday means for me a lot also because I had an laser vision correction. So now I do not need either glasses or contacts. So feel free to ask me if you are planning to do vision correction as well. Cause I think you should think a lot before doing this  and maybe I could help you with something :)

Ok, and now its time for pics!!! 

The best morning..

My favourite pancakes are with cheese and mushrooms... yummy

I was shocked when I woke up and saw this on Easter morning. 

Home food is the best...

my lovee

With one of my friends having good time

Because I was after eye correction I was not able to wear a mascara thats why I am hiding my eyes haha



went out. Had a lambrini haha

mmmmm :) 


One morning

I need this AB ROCKET here! haha

They are the best! Everyone should try them. They are called Old  Town Cheese Fingers.. 

Easter chickens in the mall haha. Weirdos. 

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