Sunday 14 July 2013

Wednesday 15 May 2013

what to do? what to do...


So today me and Maggie had a day off. So we wanted to do something. First we went to Camden, Maggie wanted to buy some piercings. We also found a place where they sell awesome posters. Next time we gonna buy them. They will look amazing on the wall. Then we found a nice pub where we bought a jug of Pimms each (Big cocktails for big girls haha). They were sooo nice. Our final stop had to be Mothers in Shoredich. We went there but it was not busy enough, so we left and tried some other places. Unfortunately, nothing was good enough for us today. So we just came back home and watched a film. Even though, we didn't do much today, I pretty enjoyed it. Sometimes just escaping from your routine and just going to the other side of London is fun. I will put some pics from today ( we took some before we left). That's it for now. Latters xx
So cute:)

I will find some activity anywhere haha

Rock n' roll 

? ?

Add caption

''Did you say - Chocolate?? ''


Tuesday 14 May 2013

What's next?

Hmm, so yes I'm finally done with my exams. I am really happy even if I don't know if I passed them or not. Anyway, I can still have a break from studying till 4am and then sleeping a few hours... and then over and over again. I can have some self time now and just start enjoying the summer! Which is great when you know what you want to do. Now this is a tricky part because I have no clue how I want to spend my summer. I know that it sounds a bit boring but that's how I feel right now. Maybe it's because my brain is just drained and tired of constantly thinking and it still might be overloaded with irrelevant information. But actually, I don't need to know what I want to do this summer. I can just relax and do whatever comes up. Yes, that's what I'm gonna do. Live, laugh and enjoy the moment. Sounds like a good plan for me. And for now , I will call it a night. Latters x
Just some random selfie

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Its been a while..

Well, well , well... just look who is back. Yeah, I am here again. Which is pretty weird. I have not written a blog for ages, man. Do I have a lot to say? I don't know. I guess so. Its been a long summer and autumn.. Happened a lot of stuff. I don't even now where to start. Well, lets begin from where I have left. So in May I have started to work in a bar. I am still in there and I quite enjoy it. During past few months I passed cocktail , price, multi-serve and free-pour tests. So now I am free from any kind of tests. Which is cool cause I have to do a lot of stuff for Uni. Yeah I am in second year now. Its pretty damn hard. During Christmas time I was working a lot, so I was not able to study at all. But now, when its quiet I have more free time. Well, more free time to study... I cannot go out as much as I did during summer. Summer time was amazing. Went out a lot, met awesome people and ,u know, just had wicked time. What else ... uhmm, yeah, I moved to other place. Like 3 months ago, I think. I tried to decorate it a bit, but I still need to do a lot. I am quite proud of myself cause today I have done a lot. I cleaned my room and decorated a bit. Probably I will put some pics here of my room later on.
So, I think that's pretty much it. Oh, wait , nooo. I forgot to mention that I have dyed my hair.. Well, the ends.. Which colour? BLUE!!! yup. Cosmic blue, to be precise. its pretty dark blue, but in couple of washes  it will be much lighter. ( I HOPE) .
That's it for now, guys.
It doesn't mean that I love myself, its just that I found some old pics  and  thought it will look nice. 

Everyone has this kind of wall. I call it wall of memories. But of course I will stick more pics later

My bonsai tree, couple of bottles and yes, Fifty Shades of Grey..

Some Banksy canvas

and here it is, blue hair . 

Have a great evening x