Wednesday 15 May 2013

what to do? what to do...


So today me and Maggie had a day off. So we wanted to do something. First we went to Camden, Maggie wanted to buy some piercings. We also found a place where they sell awesome posters. Next time we gonna buy them. They will look amazing on the wall. Then we found a nice pub where we bought a jug of Pimms each (Big cocktails for big girls haha). They were sooo nice. Our final stop had to be Mothers in Shoredich. We went there but it was not busy enough, so we left and tried some other places. Unfortunately, nothing was good enough for us today. So we just came back home and watched a film. Even though, we didn't do much today, I pretty enjoyed it. Sometimes just escaping from your routine and just going to the other side of London is fun. I will put some pics from today ( we took some before we left). That's it for now. Latters xx
So cute:)

I will find some activity anywhere haha

Rock n' roll 

? ?

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''Did you say - Chocolate?? ''


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