Saturday 5 May 2012


to begin with I had my b-day on Thursday and I celebrated it on Tuesday. I had a lot of fun. First, we went to eat and have few drinks. Afterwards, went to Whisky Mist with Ace of Clubs promotion team. There we had table with drinks. During the night they brought shots,  b-day cake and more. Also, my friends put the tiara on me so I really felt like a princess haha. Here are few pics from my day..

Cause my friend from Milan lives now in London I thought that I need to go out with him. So next day I did not just stay at home but I went out with him and his friends. We went to KOKO where was a concert. Afterwards we went to The Box where I have not been before and it was completely different experience. 
So I really enjoyed my b-day party and the next day partying haha. 

KOKO was packed 
