Wednesday 23 May 2012

My first but hope not the!

Yup, finally I have a tattoo.. I am so happy I did one cause I really wanted it for ages. 

At first I wanted tattoo in different place but it was in too visible place. I do not mind that but my parents did not let me do it so I chose different place and I am happy with my choice.

I did not know in which tattoo salon to go but I knew that in Camden Town there are loads of places where you can make a tattoo. So today I just randomly went to one place which looked interesting. The place is called BLACK ANGEL. I am happy with my choice and a tattoo artist was really professional and nice. It took about 20mins and it did not hurt at all!!!! So once again I do not regret about that ( but we will see how I fell when it heels haha). 

So take a look at my tattoo..

Just few minutes after

The Tattoo Salon

So if you are really thinking about getting a tattoo- go for it. 


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